Dog and CatThe Municipality of Wawa is a pet friendly community and is committed to the well-being of our pets and our community. You are required to purchase an animal licence if you own a dog or cat within the Municipality of Wawa.

Residents are permitted to keep up to three (3) dogs on their premises, unless the property is zoned to permit a Licensed Kennel.

Licensing your pet is not only the law, but it can play a critical role in identifying your pet, should it become lost or injured. The municipal dog by-law ensures that all dogs have been given their vaccination, which means a healthier and safer environment for you and your pets. The number on the dog tag licence will assist someone in returning your lost dog.

Wawa residents are reminded that every dog and cat must be licensed annually. The 2024 licences are available at the Municipal Office. You will be required to provide proof of vaccination and sterilization, so be sure to bring these documents with you.

More information on the Regulating the keeping of animals is also available for information.